Praxis für Psychologische
Psychotherapie, Coaching und Beratung

Welcome to my private practice for psychotherapy, coaching and counselling

I am a qualified psychologist and psychotherapist with many years of experience both in the clinical field and in business. I offer cognitive behavioural therapy for depression, anxiety, Posttraumatic Stress Syndrom, psychosomatic illnesses and other mental disorders. My work also focuses on workplace-related disorders and problems such as burn-out.

Cognitive behavioural therapy is an effective method to help people out of crises, solve problems and change unfavourable behavioural and thinking patterns. The basis for this is a relationship based on trust the establishment and maintenance of which I value greatly. It is particularly important for me to meet you with openness, appreciation and on equal footing. As such we can work together on your process of change in order to achieve your goals. This process includes recognising and understanding symptoms, becoming proactive, having the confidence to try out new things and to practise newly acquired behaviour and thinking. In my therapeutic approach I use the classical cognitive-behavioural methods, EMDR and mindfulness based procedures as well as relaxation techniques. In doing so, I am guided by current scientific findings.

Are you looking for support in coping with your problems? This is how you proceed:

Get in touch with me and briefly describe your concern, preferably by e-mail, or leave me a message if you cannot reach me directly by telephone. I will then get in touch with you and we will arrange an initial consultation.
I am looking forward to supporting, accompanying and challenging you, so that on the one hand you find and activate your own resources and on the other hand try out new ways of acting and thinking.


About me

My professional experiences include working for banks and in industry, for example five years with IBM in England. I was a team leader at medical service providers and have most recently worked in psychosocial counselling. In June 2018 I started my own practice.

  • Bank Clerk and Personnel Officer (1989 to 2008)
  • Psychological consultant and clinical psychologist (2008 to 2018)
  • Psychological Psychotherapist in own practice (since June 2018)

  • Approbation as Psychological Psychotherapist (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; 2016)
  • Entry in the register of physicians of the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Berlin (No.: 32452)
  • Member of the Psychotherapeutenkammer Berlin
  • Member of the German Society for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Payment methods

Private Health Insurance

If you are privately insured, your health insurance usually covers the costs of outpatient psychotherapy. The number and amount of sessions reimbursed depend on your individual contractual conditions.
Please clarify with your insurance company to what extent benefits for a therapy are covered and have the necessary forms for applying for psychotherapy sent to you. I will then submit the application for you or we will submit it together.

Public health insurance

As a private practice, I cannot settle directly with statutory health insurance companies. However, under certain circumstances you may be able to get the treatment paid for by your health insurance company. Please contact me to clarify whether an application for reimbursement is possible.


It is possible to pay for psychotherapy yourself. In this case, you settle the costs directly with me.

Coaching and Counselling

The services for coaching and counselling are not covered by health insurances. If you choose to get Coaching or Counselling you also settle the costs directly with me.


The fee for Psychotherapy, Coaching and Counselling is currently calculated at 134,08 Euro to 168,12 Euro per session (50 minutes) in accordance with the scale of fees for psychotherapists. Deviating regulations require individual agreement and are only possible in exceptional cases.